FlowForma Boosts Efficiency By 70% For Singapore Charity

FlowForma®, the leading provider of BPM tools for Microsoft Office 365®, today announced that TOUCH Community Services, have moved their HR and finance processes online, to ease the burden of high costs and complexity, using the no code FlowForma BPM tool.

TOUCH Community Services is a not-for-profit charity organization in Singapore, which was officially established in 1992. Originally set up by a group of seven volunteers, the charity has gone on to become a multi-service organization providing a vast number of services and clubs, located across different parts of Singapore. In an industry where paper documentation is rife, finding a cost effective online solution to minimize paper trails was highly sought after.

“Getting a form filled in often involved local supervisors who then had to pass it through to headquarters,” said Puay Meng Lim, IT Manager, TOUCH Community Services. “It took a long time, so I was searching for BPM (Business Process Management) software to automate and centralize the process.”

A form in the charity could be used by as many as 300 employees across the different offices, so getting anything done quickly was always a logistical challenge. A training request process, for example, was used to log the number of hours staff spent on training courses. All done manually in a spreadsheet, it was difficult to track and not always up to date.

Having invested in Microsoft Office 365® with SharePoint, Puay Meng concluded that a solution that is already fully integrated with the Microsoft suite would be the perfect answer. He came across FlowForma BPM on Microsoft AppSource® and was pleasantly surprised with its capabilities. After taking a 30 day trial, he finished his first ‘flow’ in under three days. He has since gone on to create six flows in total, with the intention of implementing more online processes in the future.

“During the trial I had a lot of questions and got help from the FlowForma team. I would definitely recommend the product to other companies,” said Puay Meng Lim, adding “FlowForma is a really good firm to deal with.”

“We are delighted to continue our journey to help organizations like TOUCH become more digitally empowered. It further emphasises the benefits of BPM software and how it can transform an organization to become more efficient and transparent, all while being very cost effective. It gives us great peace of mind to know that this wonderful charity is making a significant difference to others, whilst increasing productivity within their own organization.” said Neil Young, Chief Executive Officer, FlowForma.

Learn more about FlowForma’s no-code BPM product.

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