Reduce paper, generate savings and lower your Carbon Footprint by introducing sustainable business processes into your organization today - tomorrow is too late.
Help Save The Planet One Process At A Time 🌍 | Book A Call
Sustainability is not a trend that will pass but a new business reality. Transforming your business into a sustainable organization will improve customer experience and save significant amounts of money. FlowForma customers go green with FlowForma five times faster than with any other tool so that their competitors go green with envy.
Our experts are ready to share how you can digitize your processes, drive sustainability in your business and generate savings at the same time.
FlowForma Customers have reduced their Carbon Footprint emissions by 16% by digitizing their paper processes!
Competitive Advantage
Forrester Analysts indicate that gaining stakeholder trust in your sustainability commitments will drive competitive advantage*.
"Leaders at traditional firms that don’t transition to sustainable activities will eventually disappear,” notes FlowForma Customer, Bouygues.
* Forrester Report: The Future of Business Is Sustainable, October 2021.
Strong Sustainability ROI Takes Time
According to Forrester's Sustainability model, the average time to see payback is 43 months, and the average sustainability efforts are improved by 33%*. Sustainability is a mid-to-long-term investment, with the upside limited in the first few years.
* Forrester Report: Assess Your Own Sustainability ROI, April 2021.
The Future of Sustainability
The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development defines 17 sustainable development goals - seven of which, relate directly to environmental sustainability.
It is now more imperative than ever for businesses to prioritize their sustainable efforts to meet these goals.
The Benefits of Sustainability
The benefits of introducing a sustainability plan within your organization include new opportunities, financial savings, energy savings, increased levels of compliance, and penalty avoidance according to Forrester Analysts.
* Forrester Report: The Future of Business Is Sustainable, October 2021.
FlowForma Customers are helping the planet by automating their processes.
Our Customers have seen serious environmental savings such as...
Save over 905,000 sheets of paper and 90,000+ trees by bringing paper processes online
Deliver an average Carbon Footprint reduction of 16%
Seamlessly report on emissions to identify areas for improvement
‘‘We have transparency and visibility that we didn’t have before, and a consistency in the data that makes it much easier to generate reports. It encourages everyone to act far more professionally than when we depended on paper. You can’t submit half filled-in boxes because the system won’t let you. Even little things, like the better understanding it gives people of their own cost centre, helps improve the professionalism of the organization.”
I recommend the FlowForma Process Automation tool to other colleges as it can save them money, improve their efficiency, and give them the real-time visibility they need.”
Financial Services