Digital Process Automation Blog

Get the latest expert insights, trends, and advice on digital process automation, workflow automation and process analytics.

Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: July 16, 2024

Organizations across the globe are turning to digital transformation. The construction industry is..

Moving to The Cloud: An Imperative for Successful Process Automation in Healthcare

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: July 7, 2022

Recent cyber events within the Healthcare space, have accelerated the race from on-premise to cloud..

Spring Update: The Perfect Time For Change

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: April 4, 2022

As the evenings are getting brighter, you might start to notice that now is the perfect time for..

Changing The Way Financial Services Companies Work

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: March 15, 2022

When digital transformation first came on the radar of financial services companies, customer..

Process Automation In 2021 All Wrapped Up

By Alannah Kennedy Posted on: December 14, 2021

As the year comes to an end, it is time for us to wrap up the 2021 process predictions from our..

The Benefits Of No Code

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: November 29, 2021

Organizations today are doubling-down on digital transformation. The opportunity is to adopt..

Process Automation & Dashboard Reporting – The Perfect Pair

By Rick Dowell, Pontem Innovations Posted on: November 10, 2021

In the last 18 months organizations have put a lot of thought into how the world will operate..

Why Digital Transformation Is No Longer An Option

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: August 13, 2021

If you haven't yet digitized, you might as well throw the towel in and give your paperless..

Go Paperless: Save Your Money While Saving Our Planet!

By Paul Stone, Product Evangelist Posted on: August 11, 2021

While we all do our best to keep the planet clean, how much difference can one person really make?..

What is Digital Transformation in Healthcare? Its Benefits and Challenges

By Niamh Lordan, Head Of Marketing Posted on: July 13, 2021

We recently interviewed 100+ decision makers in hospitals to understand better where these..

Utilize Process Automation For A Competitive Advantage

By Elizabeth Jenner, AFJ Solutions Posted on: June 30, 2021

∗ This guest blog was written by Elizabeth Jenner, AFJ Solutions

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